Terms of Service

Last updated: May 27, 2023

Welcome to Dojo AI. These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of the Dojo AI website and any associated mobile app. Throughout these terms, "we," "us," and "our" refer to Dojo AI. By using our website and app, you agree to these Terms of Use and our policies. Please read these terms carefully before using our platform.

Your use of Dojo AIconstitutes acceptance of these Terms of Use, including any additional terms and policies referenced herein. These Terms apply to all users of the platform, whether you're a reader, contributor, or any other type of user.

If you don't agree with these terms, please refrain from using Dojo AI. If you're using our platform, you're considered a user of our "Services" and are bound by these terms.

By accepting these Terms of Use, you confirm that you're at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence. If you're not of legal age, you can't use Dojo AIwithout the consent of a parent, guardian, or another authorized individual. If you're under 16, you can't use our Services at all.

We may introduce new features or tools on our platform, and they'll also be subject to these Terms of Use. You can always find the most up-to-date version of these terms on this page. We reserve the right to update or change any part of these terms by posting updates on our website. Make sure to check this page regularly. We'll indicate any changes by updating the "Last Updated" date at the top of these terms. Your continued use of our platform after such changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms.

Any violation of these Terms of Use may lead to the termination of your access to our Services.

The headings used in these terms are for convenience and won't limit or affect the terms themselves.

Section 1 – Using Dojo AI

When using Dojo AI, you agree not to misuse our platform or use it for any illegal or unauthorized purposes. This includes complying with copyright laws and other relevant regulations. We have a detailed list of prohibited uses in Section 12.

Section 2 – General Guidelines

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. Please be aware that any content you provide (excluding credit card information) may be transferred unencrypted and might be modified to meet technical requirements.

You can't reproduce, sell, or exploit any part of our Services without our written permission.

Section 3 – Accuracy and Use of Information

While we strive for accuracy, we can't guarantee that all information on Dojo AI is current, complete, or accurate. You should verify information before making decisions. Any reliance on the information provided is at your own risk.

We might provide historical data on certain topics, but these are not financial advice and don't predict future outcomes.

We have the right to modify the content on our platform, but we're not obligated to update any information.

Section 4 – Changes to Services and Pricing

We might change product prices without notice, and we can modify or discontinue our Services at any time.

We won't be liable for any modifications, price changes, suspensions, or disruptions to the Services.

Section 5 – Products and Services

Some products or services may only be available online through Dojo AI. Product descriptions and images are as accurate as possible, but we can't guarantee exact color matches on different devices.

We may limit sales to certain individuals, regions, or quantities. Product descriptions and prices are subject to change without notice.

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders, especially if we suspect misuse or abuse.

Section 6 – Billing and Account Information

You're responsible for providing accurate account and purchase information on Dojo AI. Keep your information updated to ensure smooth transactions.

Section 7 – Third-Party Tools

We might offer optional third-party tools, but we don't endorse or control them. Your use of these tools is at your own risk.

Section 8 – Links to Third-Party Content

We may include third-party content on our platform. We're not responsible for the accuracy or content of these third-party sites.

Section 9 – User Comments and Submissions

If you submit content to Dojo AI, you grant us the right to use, edit, and distribute it. We're not obligated to maintain, compensate, or respond to your submissions.

Your comments and content must not violate third-party rights, be unlawful, or contain harmful elements.

Section 10 – Personal Information

We collect, use, and secure your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Section 11 – Errors and Omissions

We strive for accuracy, but there might be errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in our content. We may correct or change information without notice.

Section 12 – Prohibited Uses

Misuse of our platform, including engaging in illegal activities or violating intellectual property rights, is prohibited.

Section 13 – Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

We can't guarantee uninterrupted or error-free use of our Services. Your use of Dojo AI is at your own risk.

We're not liable for any damages, including lost profits or data, arising from your use of our Services.

Section 14 – Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims arising from your breach of these Terms.

Section 15 – Severability

If any part of these Terms is deemed unenforceable, it won't affect the validity of the rest of the terms.

Section 16 – Termination

These Terms remain effective unless terminated by you or us. We may terminate these terms if you violate them or for other reasons.

Section 17 – Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Dojo AI, superseding any prior agreements.

Section 18 – Governing Law and Waiver

Disputes related to Dojo AI will be governed by Massachusetts law, and you agree to this jurisdiction.

Section 19 – Changes to Terms of Use

We may update these Terms at any time, and your continued use of Dojo AI constitutes your acceptance of the changes.

Section 20 – Contact Information

If you have questions about these Terms of Use, contact us at support@usedojo.ai

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