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Fine-Tuning vs Prompt Engineering: Making AI Smarter

Fine-Tuning vs Prompt Engineering: Making AI Smarter

Tyler Germain
June 30, 2024

Have you ever wondered how we can make AI models better than they already are?

We’ve been working on this a lot lately, and two of the most popular ways to do this are fine-tuning and prompt engineering. 

People are always asking what these methods are, how they're different, and when to use each one. But don't worry if you're new to AI – we'll explain everything you need to know.

What is Fine-Tuning?

ChatGPT knows some recipes - but it doesn’t know every recipe. Fine-tuning is just like giving it extra cooking lessons to make it really good at cooking Italian food. The AI still remembers how to cook other types of food, but now it's an expert in Italian cuisine.

Fine-tuning basically works like this:

  1. We start with an AI that knows a lot of stuff (like ChatGPT that knows basic recipes).
  2. We give it special training on a specific topic or task (like teaching Italian cooking).
  3. The AI gets better at that specific task while still remembering its general knowledge.

So if you struggle to have ChatGPT make content that actually sounds like you, fine tuning would be a great solution. You can train it on examples of your content to ensure the outputs sound exactly like the examples you trained it on. 

How Fine-Tuning Works

To understand fine-tuning better, let's break it down step by step:

  1. Gathering Data: First, we collect a bunch of information about the specific “style” we want the AI to learn. For our content model, we gather hundreds of pieces of content to train it on.
  2. Preparing the AI: We start with an AI that already knows a lot about language in general. Usually this is a model from OpenAI or Meta. 
  3. Training: We show the AI our content, piece by piece. The AI is essentially reading through all those pieces of content and learning from each one.
  4. Practice and Adjustment: As the AI reads, it practices understanding the content. When it makes mistakes, we help it correct those errors. Kind of like we are tutoring the AI model. 
  5. Testing: After training, we always make sure to test the AI, and see how well it writes content. We usually give it a bunch of different topics, and gauge the quality of the outputs.

Did you know? GPT-3 was originally developed by OpenAI, but then was fine-tuned to create ChatGPT. The original GPT-3 knew about all sorts of topics, but ChatGPT was specially trained to have conversations with people, making it really good at chatting and answering questions.

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is giving very clear instructions to our content robot. Instead of changing how the AI works, we're just telling it exactly what we want it to do.

Here's how it works:

  1. We have an AI that knows lots of things (like ChatGPT).
  2. We give it very specific instructions or questions (like telling it to write a tweet).
  3. The AI uses its existing knowledge to follow our instructions as best it can.

The Art of Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering can be really frustrating when the AI doesn’t want to follow your instructions. Here's how you can get better at it:

  1. Be Specific: The more details you give, the better. Instead of saying "Write a story," say "Write a funny story about a clumsy guy trying to bake a cake."
  2. Use Examples: Sometimes, showing is better than telling. You could give the AI an example of what you want: "Write a haiku about spring. Here's an example: 'Cherry blossoms bloom / Soft petals dance in the breeze / Spring whispers hello”. 
  3. Break It Down: For complex tasks, try breaking them into smaller steps. Instead of asking for a full essay, you might ask for an outline first, then expand on each point.
  4. Experiment: Try different ways of asking for the same thing. You might be surprised at how changing a few words can give you really different results.
  5. Learn from Mistakes: If the AI doesn't give you what you want, try to think about why that happened. Was your prompt unclear? Did you forget to mention something important?

Prompt engineering is a great starting point - but fine tuning will always beat an engineered prompt. Because instead of telling it what to do, you are showing it exactly how you want things done. And that is infinitely more valuable to the AI model than instructions alone. 

Interestingly, you can fine tune GPT3.5 on responses from GPT4, and the model will have just as good performance at specific tasks. This means you can have the same quality output, while spending less on API costs. 

Fine-Tuning vs Prompt Engineering: What's the Difference?

Let's compare these two methods:

Aspect Fine-tuning Prompt Engineering
How they work Changes the AI itself, like teaching a robot new cooking techniques Gives better instructions, like providing a detailed recipe
Time and effort Takes a lot of time and powerful computers, like sending a robot to a long cooking course Quicker and easier, like writing out a good recipe
Flexibility Really good at specific tasks but might not be as flexible for other things Lets you quickly change what the AI does by giving different instructions
Results Can make an AI really good at a specific job, like a robot becoming a top Italian chef Can get good results for many tasks, but might not be as perfect for very specialized jobs
Cost Can be expensive due to data and computing power needs Usually cheaper as it uses the AI as it is
Expertise needed Often requires people with extensive knowledge of AI and programming Can be done by anyone skilled at giving clear instructions, even non-tech experts

When to Use Each Method

Choose Fine-Tuning When:

  • You want the AI to swear or say things that ChatGPT won’t.
  • You need the model to sound a specific way.
  • You have lots of examples to train the AI with.
  • You need the model to be as accurate as possible

Choose Prompt Engineering When:

  • You need the AI to do many different tasks.
  • You want to quickly try out different ideas.
  • You don't have a lot of training data.
  • You need to change what the AI does frequently.

Tools to Help You

If you want to try these methods yourself, there are tools that can help:

  • For fine-tuning, you can use services like Dojo AI that make the process easier. They provide user-friendly interfaces to train AI models without needing to be an expert programmer.
  • For prompt engineering, you can use ChatGPT. You can experiment with different prompts and see the results instantly.

Ethical Considerations

As we make AI smarter, it's important to think about using it responsibly:

  1. Bias: AI can learn to be incredibly biased from their training data. You should always try to be careful, and train them on fair information for your specific use case.
  2. Privacy: When fine-tuning AI models, you need to make sure we're not using people's private information without getting their permission first.
  3. Transparency: It's usually important to be clear when people are talking to or hearing from an AI model, especially one that's been fine-tuned to sound more like a human.
  4. Accuracy: We should always double-check important information given by AIs, especially for things like medical or legal advice.

The Big Picture

Both fine-tuning and prompt engineering are great ways to make AI models better at specific tasks. 

Fine-tuning is like giving the AI special training, while prompt engineering is about giving it clear instructions. The best choice depends on what you need the AI to do, how much time and resources you have, and how specific your task is.

As AI keeps getting better, we might see new ways to combine these methods or make them even easier to use. The goal is to make AI systems that can help us with all sorts of tasks, from writing code to writing our social content.

Remember, whether you're fine-tuning an AI or crafting the perfect prompt, the key is to think about what you want the AI to do and choose the method that works best for your needs. And who knows? Maybe your model will be the smartest in the world…

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