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How to Train Custom AI Models (Step by Step)

How to Train Custom AI Models (Step by Step)

Gavin Thibodeau
June 4, 2024

It's only 2024, and AI is advancing so quickly it's hard to keep up. One of the most exciting developments is custom-trained AI models that can write content in your unique voice. The results you can get are absolutely mind-blowing.

However, the truth is, only the top 1% of “AI nerds” dive into this because it typically requires coding. But at Dojo, we're here to change that. Our goal is to make custom-trained AI accessible to everyone, regardless of technical knowledge.

The most prevalent use case of custom-trained models is social media content. Everyone knows that organic content is crucial for business success, but it’s often challenging to keep up with the competition and consistently generate new, original ideas.

So what does all this mean, and how can it revolutionize content creation? Let’s dive in.

What is Custom-Trained AI?

Custom-trained, aka “Fine-Tuned” AI, is all about creating an AI model specifically designed for a particular domain or task. In our case, this specific task is around content creation.

Unlike pre-trained models that handle a bunch of general stuff, custom models are fine-tuned for specific use-cases using specialized data. 

At its core, custom-trained AI means you provide the AI model with numerous examples of how you want it to sound. For instance, if you give it 40 of your tweets, you simply provide the topic of each tweet along with your exact tweet as the output. From there, the AI learns how you tweet and can perfectly match your tone, style, and format. This is the future of content creation.

How to Train Your Custom AI Model for Social Media:

Here’s the breakdown on training a custom AI model:

1. Data Collection

Gather social media data relevant to your brand or industry. This can include Tweets, Linkedin posts, Instagram scripts, or literally anything else you can think of, and upload it into Dojo AI.

2. Data Cleaning

Remove irrelevant content to ensure the data is high-quality. For instance, if you scrape a tweet that's a one-liner with a photo, this will not benefit your AI model at all, so it's best to just remove it from the training data.

3. Training and Validation

Once you have a balanced dataset that represents the content you want to generate, its time to begin training. 

4. Fine-Tuning

Continuously adjust the model parameters to optimize performance. If you need our guide on temperature and top P, just go here. 

Practical Uses for Social Media

When properly trained, AI will be able to perfectly replicate your voice & writing style. I'm talking 100% undetectable. The person on the other end will have zero idea it's not you.

Here’s some real-world examples that our customers and ourselves have used at Dojo. 

Use Case Description
Long-Form Video Script Trained AI models that generate long-form video scripts for platforms like YouTube
LinkedIn Posts Professional and engaging LinkedIn posts that reflect your unique voice
Tweets & Threads Content for X/Twitter in your unique style or your favorite writer's style
Short-Form Video Scripts Trained on short-form video scripts, including but not limited to Tik Tok, Instagram, & YouTube Shorts

Keep in mind, this is only social media content. We’ve seen it used for Direct-response emails, newsletters, VSLs, advertising copy, product pages, and much,much more

The potential of custom-trained AI models is huge. As they get more advanced, they’ll keep transforming how we create content, making it more personalized, relevant, and impactful. 

With platforms like Dojo AI, you don’t need to be a tech wiz to start reaping the benefits of custom-trained AI. Dojo AI makes it super easy for anyone to experiment with and train models without needing to code. So, whether you’re a marketer, content creator, or business owner, custom-trained AI can help you stay ahead in the digital age. Give it a try and see how it can revolutionize your content strategy today.

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